Leo burst through the door with two bullet holes in his head and a frown on his face.
You would not believe the kind of day I’ve been having,” he groaned, dropping his grocery bags on the floor and slipping his coat off.
Steady! I scrambled up and chucked an old towel at him. We’d had to keep a few handy in the living room. This sort of thing happened far too often. “Clean yourself up, I don’t want you getting blood all over the carpet. You can explain yourself later, the broadcast’s about of start.”
Nodding and wiping his head vigorously with the suddenly red towel, Leo wandered into the bathroom to sort himself out.
On the trembling television image, six smirking teenagers stepped onto a stage. The camera panned as a frenzied audience of several thousand fans erupted into chaotic screams.
Every person in the country not present in that audience would be watching this broadcast on their televisions at home. These were, as the banner behind the team read, the nation’s mightiest protectors. They were the country’s last hope. The fate of the world rested on their mighty little shoulders.
“Pricks!” snorted Leo, throwing himself into the sofa beside me. “Change the channel. I’m too tired and lonely for this.” He stuffed a handful of popcorn into his mouth and glared at the television screen.
The blood was gone from his face and the bullet holes had nearly closed up, but his hair still looked a little crusty.
I eyed his bowl of popcorn. “Isn’t this stuff being rationed?” I looked up at him. “Did you steal this?”
He groaned, and flailed his arm around in a histrionic wave. “This hard life isn’t for me. I’m too good for this world. I’ve resorted to petty theft.”
“Couldn’t you have stolen us something a little more useful than this? Like shampoo, food or some more energy coupons?”
“This is food!” he declared. “Anyway, I nabbed some other stuff too. I’d have put it in the fridge if we had one.
With a loud sigh, I turned back to the television. It was an ancient 2094 model with a shaky, 2D view.
The newsman was chirping ecstatically in front of a waving Union Jack. His chest had swelled in pride as he listed the numerous skills of Britain’s greatest new military force, the Super Saviours.
Super Saviours, Leo snorted. “Sounds like a budget supermarket deal. Do you want some popcorn?” He shoved the bowl in my face and shook it.
I pushed his arm roughly away. “I’m trying to listen to this.”
“Coil, I got shot twice in the head for this!” he whined. “At least pretend to appreciate my heroic endeavour.”
I jabbed the mute button and turned to face him. “You did what?”
His smile flickered. “It was nothing. It was actually pretty funny.” Catching my expression, he added, At…the time, obviously.” He looked down at the carpet like a guilty dog.
For god’s sake Leo! This isn’t alright. You got shot in the head for popcorn?”
And other stuff!” he protested. “Like champagne and Dutch bacon.”
I couldn’t even find the words to respond to that with.
Catching my expression, Leo held up his hands in a gesture for peace. “Come on, if I didn’t get the bacon now we may never taste it again! Holland are cutting trade with us. Don’t want to aggravate America I suspect.”
And you shouldn’t want to aggravate the Force but you do it anyway!” Shaking my head, I put the television off mute and focused intently on that instead.
The screen was displaying a full-size hologramic view of each of the Saviours individually, rotating slowly like a sports car on show.
I can’t believe we’re all meeting up to watch this like it’s a national event or something,” Leo grumbled, pulling his knees up into his chest.
It is a national event.”
They’re just a bunch of pretentious GM preteens. Not even the first.”